LED Traffic Lights Article

LED Traffic Light
The Use of Traffic Light are to control the movement of traffic on public roads. This article about LED Traffic Lights which are highly energy efficient when compared with conventional Traffic Lights.
Traffic Lights are also known as stop lights, signal lights and traffic control signals. These are used at roads, pedestrian crossings & other areas like industries and high traffic density area for managing the traffic over there.
Talking about the history of Traffic Lights, these were initially invented and installed in 1868 at London, which were non-electric traffic lights and were manually controlled by traffic policemen. After this success, these type of Traffic Lights were installed at various new locations. First electric Traffic Light were developed in 1912 by Lester Wire in which they used red & green lights. The founder of Electro Techs, California was working on LED Light projects and their company invented the first LED Traffic Light introduced them in the market about twenty years ago.
The electricity consumption is also significantly reduced due to the installation of LED Traffic Lights the world over. Various corporations and city planners have planned to replace all conventional street lights with LED Street Light and there by significantly reduce energy consumption, from traffic light to about 5-10 watt.
PYROTECH Provides Traffic Light in 5 & 9W with 230V AC power supply. It can save power up to 80% and these are available with eco friendly features. LED Lights can also save maintenance cost because LED have life span of 4-5 years where as incandescent bulbs have to be replaced every 5-6 month. A major relief comes to the maintenance teams as replacing bulbs on high – traffic density roads is not easy.
PYROTECH LED Traffic Light Models:-